Friday, June 26, 2009

Altered Caleb...

This photo of Caleb was taken by Autumn about three years ago when Caleb was 14 years old... (he really dislikes his hair in this photo.) I had fun making him into a Rock Star Fairy...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tickled Pink!

I've made my very first Etsy sale...

Thank you so much, Lisa by the bay;)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Embroidery...for Autumn

Autumn's kitchen style is vintage 50's. Red and strawberries... I'm making her some cute
50's style kitten's busy at work.

Shop Kitty with some A+K rootbeer in her cart. (Autumn + Kevin)

I'm also making Bake Kitty and Wash Kitty.

1930's/40's replica towels, 100% cotton. I found these at JoAnn Fabric's. I love the red stripes!
They are so large (towel triple folded in photo) I'm wondering if she'd want them made into throw pillows?... she has a little sitting area off her kitchen. Also some for my Etsy shop is in the works.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Batty Poem


Bats that circle round and round.

Never really touching down.

If I place my hands upon my head,

promise me you won't make your bed.

Although my hair is not the best,

it's really not the place to make your nest.


I wrote this for the bats that fly circles above my garage at dusk and like to freak me out.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Riverbank Powwow /2009 Summer Solstice


...heritage ...the Great Father.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A few pieces for my Etsy.

Fairy dust.

A fairy resting in her nest after a long day of dusting blooms with her fairy dust.

The Dark Lurking sitting upon a trinket box...
just what lurks inside the box, no one knows?

A sweet little angel...

Whimsical Moon...

Welcome to my new blog! This one is for all my silly whimsy. My folk art, mixed media art, thrifty finds, my Etsy shop, some favorite poetry, photography and just some random babbling thoughts...
I'll be using my private blog Purple Squirrel for homeschooling happenings and this one for public view. Now let's see... what can I create?


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